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Import Cash Receipt & Payment Entries in Tally

QuikAccount provides the simplest way to import your Cash entries in Tally. It provides multiple ways (in different formats) to import cash entries in Tally. Smart selection of voucher type between Receipt & Payment is available. You can import cash entries with various optional fields of tally like narration, voucher no. reference no. etc.

Steps showing How to Import Cash Receipt & Payment entries from Excel to Tally

Step 1. Open QuikAccount & Connect Tally

(Click here to see How to Install & Activate software)

1.    Go to Help sheet and match Tally Port in Cell 'D4' with the port set in Tally.

     (Port in tally can be set by pressing F12 on Gateway of Tally --> Advanced Configuration)

2.   Now click "Connect Tally" button available on Help sheet.

Step 2. Copy data in Cash/Bank Sheet

1.   Select Cash ledger from the drop-down available at Cell No. .....

2.  Copy data in following columns of Cash/Bank sheet:

a) Voucher Date

b) Voucher No. (Optional)

c) Reference No. (Optional)

d) Reference Date (Optional)

e) Particulars 1 & 2 column. These particular columns data will be shown in Narration field of tally.

f) Withdrawal Amount and Deposit Amount in the Withdrawal and Deposit columns given respectively.

Step-3 Fill Party/Expense Ledger

1.   Now we need to give the corresponding ledger for each cash entry.

2.   In the Column name Party/Expense ledger, please specify the name to which that particular cash entry belongs.

For example if payment was made to M/s R K Bros., you need to select R k Bros. ledger in this column.

3. You can fill this column by selecting ledgers from drop-down. All tally ledgers are shown in this drop down.

4.   For fast searching please use the list search addin.

5.   In case you want to enter any new ledger which is not available in tally. Simply type it into the cell and press enter.

Step 4. Validate & Export

1.   Once you fill all the ledgers, please click on Validate button.

2.   Errors if any will be highlighted.

3.   If your data contain any new ledger, it will be transferred to Ledger sheet. Go to ledger sheet and create new ledgers by clicking export to tally.

4.   Rectify other errors if any and validate again.

5.   Once validation is successful, click on Export to Tally button.




You can import Cash Receipt & Payment entries with narration.

Use Bill Reference

You can import Receipt & Payment Entries with bill reference (as against reference or new reference). 

Voucher and Reference No.

You can use voucher no., date, reference no & date for receipt and payment entries. 

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