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How to Import Amazon Sales (MTR) in Tally

QuikAccount provides you one click Import functionality for amazon sales report known as Amazon MTR. It gives you option to import both B2B and B2C reports. All the necessary calculations and formatting will be done by software itself. User only need to download MTR excel file from https://sellercentral.amazon.in/. Sales can be imported with all the necessary informations like inv no., reference no., order no. etc.

Steps showing How to Import Amazon MTR (Sales) Report in Tally

Click here to watch video for Importing Amazon Data to Tally

Step 1. Download Amazon MTR B2C & B2B report

1.    Login at https://sellercentral.amazon.in/ with your Email Id and Password.

2.    After login take your curson to Reports tab and choose Tax Document Library option.

3.    Click on Merchant Tax Report.

4.    Select the month for which you need to download report.

5.    Select the type of Report (B2B or B2C) and click Download Reports button.

Step 2. Open QuikAccount & Connect Tally

(Click here to see How to Install & Activate software)

1.    Go to Help sheet and match Tally Port in Cell 'D4' with the port set in Tally.

     (Port in tally can be set by pressing F12 on Gateway of Tally --> Advanced Configuration)

2.   Now click "Connect Tally" button available on Help sheet.

Step 3. Import MTR in E-Com Sheet of QuikAccount

1.     Go to E-Com sheet and click on ‘Amazon MTR’ button.

2.     Choose Type of Report ‘B2B’ or ‘B2C’.

3.     Click yes when prompted to clear existing data.

4.     Select the relevant MTR file downloaded from Amazon Portal. Software will automatically import all data in E-Com sheet.

5.     Enter Amazon Ledger Name (which exist in Tally) when prompted.

6.     Enter Sales Ledger Name (which exist in Tally) when prompted.

You can leave amazon and sales ledger name as blank and can fill later also.

Step 4. Sales/GST Ledger Mapping & Data Sorting

1.   Click on Ledger Mapping button, a mapping window will open.

2.   In mapping window, various drop downs are available wherein tally ledgers have been preloaded. Select the appropriate sales ledgers in relevant drop-down.

3.   Sales ledgers can be mapped on the basis of GST % and Nature of Transaction (Local or Inter-State)

4.   Similarly select the CGST, SGST, IGST ledgers for different GST rates.

5.   Also select TCS CGST, TCS SGST and TCS IGST ledger in relevant drop down.     

6.   Once Mapping is complete, click on Save Button.

7.   When youn click on save button, you will see that Column I of E-Com sheet is automatically filled up on the basis of mapping.

8.   Now click on 'Sort by Vch No.' button to sort data on the basis of voucher no. (Compulsory)

Step 5. Miscellaneous Data feeding

1.   In Column ‘G’ select Amazon Ledger from the drop-down if not entered at the time of data import.

2.   In Cell ‘K4’ select shipping ledger from the dropdown.

3.   Select the financial year in Cell ‘D3’.

4.    Make sure that ‘WithInventory’ button in checked.

Step 6. Calculate & Validate Sheet

1.    Just go through the data filled in complete sheet and check it for any correction.

2.    Click on Calculate & Validate button to identify the possible error in your data and see the report on Error Sheet.

3.    Resolve the errors by clicking on the hyperlink.

Step 7. Resolve Item Name error

1.    Upon validation, all new stock items will be transferred to ‘ItemImports’ sheet.

2.    Go to ItemImports sheet and fill units for all those items.

3.    Click on ‘Export to Tally’ button to create them in Tally.

Step 8. Validate again and Export

Validate the ‘E-Com’ sheet again and see if all errors have been removed. If Validation is success, click on Export to Tally Button. All data will be exported to tally instantly.

Go to tally and verify your data.


Invoice Details

Data can be imported with Invoice No, Inv Date, Ref No., Ref Date, Bill Reference etc.

Order Details

Import sales voucher with amazon generated order no. and date. So that invoices and credit note can be matched with amazon settlement.

Auto Calculation

QuikAccount automatically calculates all the values from Raw MTR of amazon. User dont need to make any changes in raw file.

Capture B2B Buyer Details

Import data with B2B buyer details. All entries are posted in Amazon ledger but Buyer Name and GSTIN is captured for GSTR-1 Reporting.

Custom Voucher Type

Use custom vouchers created in Tally (Ex. Amazon Sales/ Amazon Credit Note) Further multiple voucher type can be used in one go.

Shipping & TCS

Import data with Shipping Charges and TCS amount shown in Amazon MTR Report.

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